
DIP was an Integrated Project under the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme. It started in January 2004 and ran for 3 years.

The major mission of DIP was to further develop the Semantic Web and Web Services and enable their combination. DIP took the vision of Semantic Web Services and worked on transforming it into a mature and scalable technology.

DIP defined and implemented additional layers of functionality on top of the existing Web Service technology stack and implemented case studies for e-work, e-commerce, and e-government using Semantic Web Services.

Within work package 14 (Training) of DIP, a series of half-day and full-day tutorials were created.

These tutorials included an introduction to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, an overview of the WSMO framework, an overview of the main tasks associated with semantic web services, including discovery and composition, an outline of the representation language WSML, and finally, a description of the WSMO implementations WSMX and IRS-III.

Most of the tutorials incorporated a hands-on session where attendees created their own semantic web service-based application. Tutorials were given in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia.

Location of DIP and WSMO Tutorials

The map below shows the locations of a series of DIP and WSMO tutorials which were presented between 2004 and 2007. The DIP project aimed to apply semantic web technology to automate the construction of applications from web service components. The conceptual framework for DIP was based on the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO) the building blocks of which are Ontologies, Goals, Mediators and Web Services.

Each tutorial was customised for the specific target audience and typically contained:

  • The overall vision of the semantic web
  • An outline of Web services technologies including current problems
  • An overview of semantic Web services research
  • A detailed description of WSMO
  • An overview of the representation language WSML
  • A walkthrough of the associated implementations WSMX and IRS-III
  • A hands-on session using the reference implementations

A number of the tutorials were conducted with our colleagues in the semantic web services area and these included overviews of OWL-S and tools to support automatic composition.

Location of DIP and WSMO tutorials map in colour

Project Partners

National University of Ireland Galway – NUIG
EPFL Lausanne
IFI, University of Innsbruck
British Telecommunications
Tiscali Austria
FZI Karlsruhe
KMi, The Open University
Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Unicorn Solutions
Essex County Council
Berlecon Research
OntoText, Sirma


Pedrinaci, C., Domingue, J. and Sheth, A. (2011) Semantic Web Services, in eds. John Domingue, Dieter Fensel and James Hendler, Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies, 2, Springer.

Domingue, J. and Fensel, D. (2009) PSMs in a Global Networked Age, AIEDAM Special Issue Problem Solving Methods: Past, Present and Future, 23, 3, Cambridge University Press.

Gugliotta, A., Domingue, J., Tanasescu, V., Villarias, L., Davies, R., Rowlatt, M., Richardson, M. and Stincic, S. (2008) Enabling Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services: from a New Technology Infrastructure to a Compelling Demonstrator.

Enabling Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services: from a New Technology Infrastructure to a Compelling Demonstrator., in eds. E. di Nitto, P. Traverso, A. Sassen, A. Zwegers, At your service: An overview of results of projects in the field of service engineering of the IST programme, MIT Press Series on Information Systems.

Norton, B., Pedrinaci, C., Henocque, L. and Kleiner, M. (2008) 3-Level Behavioural Models for Semantic Web Services, International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 4, 4, pp. 340-355.

Norton, B., Pedrinaci, C., Domingue, J. and Zaremba, M. (2008) Semantic Execution Environments for Semantics-Enabled SOA, it – Methods and Applications of Informatics and Information Technology, eds. Dimka Karastoyanova,Frank Leymann, 2, pp. 118-121, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.

Gugliotta, A., Domingue, J., Cabral, L., Tanasescu, V., Galizia, S., Davies, R., Villarias, L., Rowlatt, M., Richardson, M. and Stincic, S. (2008) Deploying Semantic Web Services-based Applications in the e-Government Domain, Journal on Data Semantics, X, pp. 96-132, Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.

Domingue, J., Cabral, L., Galizia, S., Tanasescu, V., Gugliotta, A., Norton, B. and Pedrinaci, C. (2008) IRS-III: A Broker-based Approach to Semantic Web Services, Journal of Web Semantics, 6, 2, pp. 109-132, Elsevier.

Tanasescu, V., (2007) Geospatial Data Integration with Semantic Web Services: the eMerges Approach, in eds. Arno Scharl, Klaus Tochtermann, The Geospatial Web, Springer.

Stollberg, M. and Norton, B. (2007) A Refined Goal Model for Semantic Web Services, The Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Mauritius.

Norton, B. and Pedrinaci, C. (2006) 3-Level Service Composition and Cashew: A Model for Orchestration and Choreography in Semantic Web Services, Workshop: 2nd International Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging (AWeSOMe’06) at OnTheMove Federated Conferences (OTM’06), Montpelier, FR.

Gugliotta, A., (2006) Benefits and Challenges of Applying Semantic Web Services in the e-Government Domain, Semantics 2006, Vienna (Austria), Austrian Computing Society (OCG).

Tanasescu, V., (2006) Spatial Integration of Semantic Web Services: the e-Merges Approach, Workshop: Terra Cognita 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Pedrinaci, C., Moran, M. and Norton, B. (2006) Towards a Semantic Event-Based Service-Oriented Architecture, Workshop: 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2006) at The 5th International Semantic Web (ISWC 2006), Athens, GA, USA.

Gugliotta, A., (2006) Enhancing Data and Processes Integration and Interoperability in Emergency Situations: a SWS based Emergency Management System, Workshop: First International Workshop on Applications and Business Aspects at Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006), Athens, Georgia, USA, eds. Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl,Martin Hepp,Christoph Tempich, CEUR-Workshop proceedings.

Cabral, L., Domingue, J., Galizia, S., Gugliotta, A., Norton, B., Tanasescu, V. and Pedrinaci, C. (2006) IRS-III: A Broker for Semantic Web Services based Applications, The 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006), Athens, GA, USA.

Tanasescu, V., (2006) A Semantic Web Services GIS based Emergency Management Application, Workshop: Semantic Web Challenge at The 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC06), Athens, Georgia, USA.

Stollberg, M., Moran, M., Cabral, L., Sanchez Nunez, P., Norton, B., Sanchez Nunez, P. and Domingue, J. (2006) Experiences from Semantic Web Service Tutorials, Workshop: Semantic Web Education and Training Workshop (SWET’06) at First Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC), Beijing, China.

Bruijn, J., Mocan, A., Lausen, H., Bussler, C., Fensel, D., Roman, D. and Domingue, J. (2006) WWW: WSMO, WSML, and WSMX in a nutshell, 1st Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2006), Beijing, China.

Tanasescu, V., (2006) A Semantic Web GIS based Emergency Management System, Workshop: Workshop on Semantic Web for eGovernment at 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Budva, Montenegro.

Galizia, S. (2006) WSTO: A Classification-Based Ontology for Managing Trust in Semantic Web Services, 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva (Montenegro).

Gugliotta, A., Cabral, L. and Domingue, J. (2006) Knowledge Modelling for Integrating E-Government Applications and Semantic Web Services, AAAI Spring Symposium Series “Semantic Web meets E-Government”, Stanford University, California, USA.

Tanasescu, V. and Domingue, J. (2006) Toward User Oriented Semantic Geographical Information Systems, Workshop: 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium, Aberdeen Univeristy, UK.

Domingue, J., Galizia, S. and Cabral, L. (2006) The Choreography Model for IRS-III, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2006), Hyatt Regency Kauai, Hawaii.

Fensel, D., Lausen, H., Polleres, A., Bruijn, J., Stollberg, M., Roman, D. and Domingue, J. (2006) Enabling Semantic Web Services: The Web Service Modelling Ontology, Springer.

Cabral, L. and Domingue, J. (2005) Mediation of Semantic Web Services in IRS-III, Workshop: Mediation in Semantic Web Services (MEDIATE 2005) at International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2005), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Domingue, J., Galizia, S. and Cabral, L. (2005) Choreography in IRS III Coping with Heterogeneous Interaction Patterns in Web Services, International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), Galway, Ireland.

Norton, B. (2005) Experiences with OWL-S, Directions for Service Composition: The Cashew Position, Workshop: OWL: Experiences and Directions, Galway, Ireland.

Gugliotta, A., Cabral, L., Domingue, J. and Roberto, V. (2005) A Conceptual Model for Semantically-Based e-Government Portals, The International Conference on E-Government (ICEG2005), Ottawa, Canada.

Norton, B., Foster, S. and Hughes, A. (2005) A Compositional Operational Semantics for OWL-S, Workshop: 2nd International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2005), Versailles, France Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Business Processes, eds. Mario Bravetti, Leila Kloul, Gianluigi Zavattaro, LNCS 3670, pp. 303-317, Springer.

Feier, C., Polleres, A., Dumitru, R., Domingue, J., Stollberg, M. and Fensel, D. (2005) Towards Intelligent Web Services: The Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC), Sofitel Grand Park, Hefei, China.

Sell, D., Cabral, L., Motta, E., Domingue, J. and Pacheco, R. (2005) Adding Semantics to Business Intelligence, Workshop: International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2005) in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Norton, B. (2005) Behavioural Types for Synchronous Software Composition, Workshop: Workshop on Foundation of Interface Technologies (FIT 2005), San Francisco, US.

Gugliotta, A., Cabral, L., Domingue, J., Roberto, V., Rowlatt, M. and Davies, R. (2005) A Semantic Web Service-based Architecture for the Interoperability of E-government Services, Workshop: Web Information Systems Modeling Workshop (WISM 2005) in conjunction with The 5th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2005), Sydney, Australia.

Sell, D., Cabral, L., Motta, E., Domingue, J. and Hakimpour, F. (2005) A Semantic Web based Architecture for Analytical Tools, International IEEE Conference on E Commerce Technology, Universität München, Germany.

Hakimpour, F., Sell, D., Cabral, L., Domingue, J. and Motta, E. (2005) Semantic Web Service Composition in IRS III: The Structured Approach, International IEEE Conference on E Commerce Technology, Universität München, Germany.

Domingue, J., Roman, D. and Stollberg, M. (2005) Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) An Ontology for Semantic Web Services, Workshop: W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services, Innsbruck, Austria.

Domingue, J., Cabral, L., Galizia, S. and Motta, E. (2005) A Position statement on IRS III: A Comprehensive Approach to Creating and Using Semantic Web Services, Workshop: W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services, Innsbruck, Austria.

Hakimpour, F., Domingue, J., Motta, E., Cabral, L. and Lei, Y. (2004) Integration of OWL-S into IRS-III, Workshop: AKT Workshop on Semantic Web Services, KMi, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Domingue, J., Cabral, L., Hakimpour, F., Sell, D. and Motta, E. (2004) IRS III: A Platform and Infrastructure for Creating WSMO based Semantic Web Services, Workshop: WSMO Implementation Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany.

Galizia, S. and Domingue, J. (2004) Towards a Choreography for IRS-III, Workshop: WSMO Implementation Workshop (WIW), Frankfurt, Germany Proceedings of the Workshop on WSMO Implementations (WIW 2004).

Cabral, L., Domingue, J., Motta, E., Payne, T. and Hakimpour, F. (2004) Approaches to Semantic Web Services: An Overview and Comparisons, 1st European Semantic Web Symposium, Heraklion, Greece.