SemSearch was a keyword-based semantic search technology designed to simplify the process of specifying semantic queries, making it accessible to ordinary users who were not familiar with the problem domain or the specific query language.
The five-layered architecture consisted of the following components:
- The Query Interface Layer provided a simple way for users to specify queries using multiple keywords.
- The Text Search Layer utilized state-of-the-art text search technologies to identify the semantics of keywords within a given domain.
- The Query Construction Layer computed the most relevant formal queries from the informal and often ambiguous queries issued by end users.
- The Querying Layer executed the derived formal queries and ranked the search results.
- The Semantic Data Layer established the data environments in which the search engine operated, consisting of ontologies, semantic metadata repositories, and related web resources.
SemSearch was implemented as a customisable search service tailored to specific problem domains. Two web applications were built using SemSearch technology: one for the KMi semantic web portal and another for the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference. SemSearch treated search as an iterative activity. The web-based version allowed users to refine their searches by selecting or deselecting keyword matches, while the desktop version offered more advanced features, enabling users to navigate through the concept space to broaden or narrow their search.
Dr. Yuangui Lei
Dr. Victoria Uren
Professor Enrico Motta
V. Uren, Y. Lei and E. Motta (2008), SemSearch: Refining Semantic Search, Demo in 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC08).
Y.Lei, V.Lopez, and E. Motta (2007), An Infrastructure for Semantic Web Portals, Journal of Web Engineering, Vol.6, 4, (283-308).
Uren, V., Lei, Y., Lopez, V., Liu, H., Motta, E., Giordanino, M., (2007) The usability of semantic search tools: a review. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol.22, 4, (361-377).
Y.Lei, V. Uren, E. Motta (2006), SemSearch: A Search Engine for the Semantic Web. 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2006), Podebrady, Czech Republic, October, 2006.
Y. Lei, V. Lopez, and E. Motta (2006), An Infrastructure for Building Semantic Web Portals, In proceedings of the International WorkShop on Web-based Information System Modelling (WISM 2006), June, 2006.